Dear Hope family,

Thought for the Week

Revelation – Jesus is present with the church

Revelation 1v13  “… I saw seven golden lampstands and among the lampstands was someone ‘like a son of man’..”

In John’s vision, he sees 7 lampstands. He tells us that these are the 7 churches (v20). This “7” means not just the 7 specific churches mentioned, but denotes completeness or entirety – the whole church including Hope Community Church Admaston.

Each church is seen as a beautiful vessel which brings light to the world, and is powered by the oil of the Holy Spirit (yes they were not electric). But the important point of this image is that although Jesus has now ascended to heaven, he is also very much among his church. Jesus is described in this vision in terms of all his glory and majesty, holiness and power (v13-18). John’s response is to fall at his feet, but Jesus tells him, “Do not be afraid, I am the First and the Last; I am the Living One; I was dead, and behold I am alive for ever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hades.”

Whether we are able to gather in the flesh or not, Jesus is present among us. He delights in us gathering together on-line and in us encouraging and supporting one another. He is telling us “Do not be afraid” – and the reason for that is because of who he is and the authority he has.

As we gather this coming Sunday and in smaller groups at other times, let’s welcome Jesus in our midst, appreciate his presence, and hear his words of encouragement.

With love and blessing,



  • Give thanks for the roll out of the vaccine.
  • For all those struggling with health at the moment.
  • For the people who have been on the NHS Alpha course.