Dear Hope family,

Thought for the Week

Go to God in Prayer.

1Peter 4v7 “The end of all things is near. Therefore be clear minded and self-controlled so that you can pray.’” (NIV)

As Tony spoke on Sunday, the first element of spiritual “GROWTH” is going to God in prayer. And this is not just at set times or us talking, but a continual conversation and in particular listening.

In the above passage, Peter is explaining how, as followers of Christ, we can live for the will of God in an evil world (4v1-6). Let’s look at what Peter says …

The end of all things is near”. The most important events in history are now nearly completed. The fulfilment of the Old Testament is now complete in Christ. He has come and lived an earthly life; he has died and been raised from the dead; he has ascended and sent his Holy Spirit on the church; we are now just waiting for his return.

“Be clear minded and self-controlled”. It is very easy for both personal news and global news to distract us from what God’s main plan is. It takes “self-control” and a real presence of mind to turn to God and focus on his plan in Christ.

“So that you can pray”. What has been your purpose for today? What is your purpose for tomorrow? Here is a purpose: so that you can pray. That is, remain in communion with God, keep in conversation, keep listening, keep expressing your feelings to him, keep sharing your thoughts, keep hearing his heart. You have been made for conversation with God.

Wow God! – you have made me to have conversation with you; give me a heart and mind to pursue this, your purpose for me.

With love and blessing,
