Dear Hope family,

Thought for the Week

Message of Habakkuk – Rejoicing despite severe Difficulty

Habakkuk 3v17-18 “Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines … yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will be joyful in God my Saviour.”

What are your conversations with God like? Habakkuk was facing calamity. Life and society was falling apart and it seemed so unfair. He had a conversation with God which ran something like this:

  • “Why are you tolerating all this evil and injustice, God?” (1v2-4)
  • “I am going to sort it out, just you wait and see – I am going to use Babylon.” (1v5-11)
  • “But, God, you are righteous and just – so why use them? They are even more wicked and arrogant than us!” (1v12-2v1)
  • “Yes, I know. They will also get their come-uppance in due time – as will all the earth.” (2v2-20)
  • “LORD, you have done amazing things in the past to rescue your people. I will wait for you to do amazing things again to rescue us. In the meantime, I will rejoice in you despite our suffering. You are my strength.” (3v1-19)

You may have seen the BBC reports this week on life in the schools, NHS and justice system in Telford, and you may be involved in some of these pressures for yourself. You may also be feeling ‘under the cosh’ in your own or family life. While it is right to seek to resolve these situations as we are able, it is also true that it is part of human life in this fallen world. The message of Habakkuk is that God does see the situation, he does hear our cries, he will ultimately bring about justice, he does care for the down-trodden and the deprived; and as we put our trust in God our Saviour, he enables us to rejoice and gives us the strength to climb on through. So Habakkuk concludes:

The Sovereign Lord is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to go on the heights.” 3v19 .

I am currently reading a book as I go to bed called “Hind’s feet in High Places”. It takes its title from the above verse (and, yes, I had to check that a ‘hind’ is a female deer). The book is an allegory about the Christian life as Jesus leads us and enables us through difficult paths to ultimate glory with Him.

May God enable you to keep going higher in Him, whatever your situation.

With love and blessing,
