Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Where to Focus in Trouble (Coronavirus)

Hebrews12v2 “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross … consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.”

I encourage you to be on your guard against the schemes of the Evil One. He wants you to fear, but God wants to build your faith. It is time to stand our ground. We gain the capacity to do this in focusing on Jesus. It is very easy to get distracted by the news which tends to increase fear, but let us focus on Jesus the great faith builder. It is definitely possible to watch too much news (!), I recommend you limit your intake – and replace it with meditation on Jesus Christ. The news is fluid, but Jesus is our rock, and one day we are going to meet him face to face!

You may find this link helpful where John Piper talks about the Covid-19.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, (Romans 15v13)




  1. Hour of Prayer (Coronavirus) – we were encouraged to have a good number of us at the prayer evening and others joining on-line. May God answer our prayers and bring shalom.
  2. Meetings going forward – Most events are cancelled going forward in accordance with government guidelines. The exceptions are:
  • Small groups – these will continue to meet either in person or on-line as appropriate. If you are not part of a small group at present, now is the time to join one. Please let us know. The groups already running are Finch’s group, West’s group, Men’s Group (St Cs), Ladies’ Group (St Cs), and Youth.
  • Hope Prayer – this will continue to meet on a Wednesday morning at 8am (“social distancing” applied)
  • Sunday Worship at 10.30 – this will be brought into your own home by streaming on the following platforms. It will not be available until about 10.20, so don’t worry about not being able to find it before then, though you will be able to access our general song channel and Facebook page.
  • We will celebrate communion together during the morning worship – but you will need to supply the materials for yourself!
  • There is inevitably more “tech” involved in the above
  1. Songs – this link is to the latest song by Tony, Caroline and Ethan on our Youtube channel.
  2. National Prayer – Churches Together in England has called all believers to pray on Sunday 22nd March at 7pm and put a candle in their window as a symbol of Christ’s light of life – link for details here
  3. Pastoral Care – We are seeking to make sure everyone is cared for during this “lockdown”. Please let us know if you become unwell and/or are in need of provisions.
  4. Mission – Let us not get distracted from our main mission that God has given to us. This is a huge opportunity as we head out as the “72”. In what ways can you be missional in your workplace or in your neighbourhood in the current situation?
  5. Neighbourly care – St Christopher’s Trust are distributing flyers in the local community offering assistance to people needing support. If you would like to help provide support, please contact Dawn Croker. Maybe it is an opportunity in your neighbourhood to offer support or establish a social media group so you can talk to each other without meeting.
  6. Prayer

–  Let’s pray for our world and it’s leaders, praying particular for our own nation and spiritual revival.

  • Pray for all those who are having major changes to their work patterns and situations.
  • Pray for us as leaders as we work through the various changes and establish new opportunities.