Dear Hope family,

Thought for the Week

Praying Globally

1 Timothy 2v1 “I urge then that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone – for kings and all those in authority.”  (NIV)

There are a couple of things to highlight from this verse:

  • We are often encouraged to be specific in our prayers, but this instruction of Paul’s is towards a very broad covering of prayer.
  • We may often pray for the downtrodden, but here we are called to also pray for the privileged.

Paul continues in the next verses to give some core requests in these prayers:

  • “that we may live peaceful and quiet live in all godliness and holiness.” We can pray that those in authority set the scene in policy and legislation for the peace of all citizens who seek to do good.
  • “this is good and pleases God our Saviour who wants all men to be saved.” God wants all people to be saved (though, elsewhere, it is clear that not all are). Praying for people’s salvation is therefore very much in line with the desires of God.

This leaves us with the following questions for reflection:

  • How often do we pray for those in authority over us whether in family, work, or society?
  • What impact might our prayers make?
  • Do prayers have more impact than a vote at the ballot box?

Let’s pray for our national leaders at this time of leadership change, for places in our world where there is fighting over who leads, and for those leading the Fun Week next week.

With love and blessing,
