Dear Hope family,

Thought for the Week

Living in Joy

2 Corinthians 7v4 “In all our troubles, my joy knows no bounds.”

Joy is a phenomenal asset. It changes our attitude and our perception of our situation. The inner disposition of joy enables a very different approach to life’s problems.

Paul describes some of his troubles in the subsequent verses of 2 Corinthians 7v5: “this body of ours had no rest, but we were harassed at every turn – conflicts on the outside, fears within. But God …”. Do you sense a weariness, a harassment (whether by people or events), a conflict or a fear? It is in these feelings that joy can “know no bounds”.

Nehemiah tells the Jews in 8v10, “Don’t be dejected and sad, for the joy of the LORD is your strength” (NLT). Joy gives us the strength to push through with what we would otherwise struggle to do.

What is joy?

It is an inner disposition of gratitude. A gratitude for God’s love towards us, his care and compassion. It is also based on an inner disposition of hope that anticipates a positive ultimate outcome because we trust God.

How do we get joy?

  • Firstly, by the Holy Spirit – Luke records “Jesus, full of joy through the Holy Spirit” Luke 10v21; and Paul describes joy as a fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5v22)
  • Secondly, by hearing the truth of what God is doing – The above passage in Luke shows that this joy from the Holy Spirit came upon Jesus as he received the news of the disciples success in mission. Paul often records his joy at hearing about what God is doing in the different churches.

So, if you are lacking in joy, ask God to fill you with his Spirit of joy, and seek out the good news story of what God is doing despite the evils of this world.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy” today.

With love and blessing,
