Dear Hope family,
Thought for the Week
Jesus – the Sent One
John 3v16 “God so loved the world that he sent his one and only Son.”
In the weeks leading up to Easter, I will take the opportunity to reflect on Jesus’s life on earth. This week, we will think on that word “sent”. Jesus did not just come and die, he did not just turn up, he came because he was sent.
He was sent by his Father, the Lord God Almighty. God had a plan before the creation of the world to send Jesus (e.g. Ephesians 1v4 “For he chose us in [Christ] before the creation of the world.”). This means that even sin entering the world was not a random mishap.
This may surprise you, but Jesus is called an “Apostle” in Hebrews 3v1, “Fix your thoughts on Jesus, the apostle …”. “Apostle” is Greek for “sent one”. So when Jesus calls his disciples “apostles” (Mark 3v14) he is saying they are “sent ones” too. Our English words, “Missionary” and “Mission” are derived from the Latin for “sent one” and “sending”. Linguistically at least, apostle and missionary are the same word. You and I are apostles, missionaries, sent-ones to our “Frontlines” (to use the Fruitfulness course expression) even as Jesus was to his. Hence Jesus said “As the Father has sent me, so I send you.” (John 20v21)
Jesus came willingly in obedience to his Father. It wasn’t a negotiation. It wasn’t begrudgingly. It was full hearted obedience to God’s plan. So, in John 14v31, Jesus says, “I do exactly what my Father has commanded me”
We honour Jesus the sent one, when we to respond to his sending us. May God enable you in His mission for you.
With love and blessing,
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