Dear Hope family,

Thought for the Week

Living in God’s Blessing

Genesis 39v20 “While Joseph was there in the prison, the LORD was with him: he showed him kindness and granted him favour in the eyes of the prison warden.”

Joseph, the favoured son of Jacob (also called Israel) was envied and hated by his brothers, he was sold as a slave, and then in slavery, he was falsely accused and put in prison. Looking at the external circumstances, you’ve got to think God was not showing Joseph much kindness!

However, as always, God was working with the long-term in view. Even in all the frustrations of injustice and false accusation, of being put down and even imprisoned, God was with him. It is not our circumstances that define God’s favour, but knowing his presence. God’s favour was not to be seen in worldly success, but in the facts that Joseph could do a work reliably, he could resist temptation, and he could see God’s hand in what was going on.

We can look back today at the story of Joseph and say, “Ah, but it was all part of the journey of God’s plan and purpose”. But Joseph did not know the end game, he could only go on the relationship he had with God and the prophetic dreams he had as a teenager.

So for us today, our circumstances may not be great – whether in terms of health, finances, relationships or other issues – but that does not mean God has withdrawn his blessing. God is working long-term.

Also, it would seem that Joseph was one to look out for those little blessings – the favour of the prison warden – as signs of God’s kindness. You belong to God and are a worker for him in this world, what little blessings can you turn back in praise to God with a thankful heart. And the blessings that we have in Christ Jesus are not very little at all! (Ephesians 1v3-10)

Spend time today thinking on those “little” blessings.


With love and blessing,
