Dear Hope family,

Thought for the Week

My Desires

Psalm 23v1 I shall not be in want”

This is a most amazing and profound announcement: if Jesus is my Shepherd, then “I shall not be in want.”

Here is what I think this declaration tells us:

  • With Jesus as shepherd, my desires will fall into line with what he is wanting for me. That is so profound. He changes our hearts and brings them into line with his will (e.g. Ezekiel 36v26). This change can be sudden in some areas and a process over many years as we feed on Him in others. Either way this leads to extreme satisfaction!
  • With Jesus as Shepherd, He will meet absolutely all my deepest needs. We may feel that we are sometimes missing out on this or that, or have the idea, ‘if only this’ or ‘if only that …’, but the reality is that God is working things for our good (Romans 8v28).

Hence, Paul can write, “I have learned the secret of being content in every situation, whether well fed or hungry.” (Philippians 4v12). Our satisfaction depends less on what we have and more on the state of our heart. Solomon wrote extensively about this in the book of Ecclesiastes: he pursued all sorts of things to gain satisfaction, but found that ultimate satisfaction lay in fearing God and obeying his commands (Ecclesiastes 12v13).

As we look at the world around, we see so many unfulfilled desires. May God help us to lead them to the Great Shepherd who will give them living water. And may God change our hearts so that whatever our situation, we know deep satisfaction in Him.

With love and blessing,
