Dear Hope Family,

Thought for the Week

Let us not give up meeting together

Hebrews10v25 “And let us consider how we can spur one another on towards love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another – and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”

Thank God for modern technology. God gave mankind creativity and the ability to work in teams. He made the resources in the earth. Through these things, God has given us technology. The question, as with all things, is how we use that technology.  The good news is that, even in these times, we can continue to live in the way he has called us to – together. Let us use what we have to encourage one another and find ways to build one another up in our faith. I am mindful of some of us who do not have internet access and so do not even get this email.

If you have not received or would like me to resend the email earlier in the week about the technology we are using to stay in touch going forward, please let me know.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, (Romans 15v13)




  • Sunday  – we have had over 300 views on Facebook of Sunday’s service and additional people on Youtube. We therefore intend to continue with a public “broadcast” service in these formats. The new restrictions mean that to enable multi-person contributions, we will record this Sunday and put it on-line for 10.30 on Sunday. Remember the clocks change!
  • Youtube – search for “Hope Community Church Admaston Songs Sunday”. Last Sundays is here
  • Facebook – Hope Community Church Admaston page
  • Small Groups on Zoom –

If you are not yet part of  small group, we encourage you to join one in this time of isolation. Please message Roland or Tony to join one.

  • Prayer on Zoom – there are three opportunities for prayer with others on Zoom. Please message if you would like to access these groups. Wednesday morning – 8am-8.30 every week; Monday evening – 1st Monday of month at 7.30pm – 9pm; Monday afternoon – 3rd Monday of month 2pm – 3pm
  • Coffee shop on Zoom – 10 – 11.30 weekdays – this is a chance to just come on to the Zoom meeting room with your coffee and have a chat with whoever is there.
  • WhatsApp Group – We have begun a Hope WhatsApp group to cascade information. Only the administrators can post. If you are local to us and have not been invited to this yet, please message Natalie (see contact details below).
  • Pastoral Care – We are seeking to make sure everyone is cared for during this “lockdown”. Natalie is ready to coordinate responses to need.
  • If you are in isolation as per government advice and not able to go shopping or get a prescription, please contact Natalie on by email . She will then make the request to the volunteer “Hope Help” team.
  • If you are willing to volunteer to be on the “Hope Help” team (i.e. receive requests on a WhatsApp chat and respond to ones you can do), please contact Natalie.
  • Neighbourly care – Do watch out for your local neighbours.

 Prayer For:

        • Those in isolation at the moment – the older members of our community and the Norrises and O’Mahoneys
        • Those who are working in the NHS and are extremely busy, under pressure and exposed to increased risk.
        • That God would work in a mighty way in our community and nation at this time and bring salvation to many.
        • For wisdom and patience as we change how we do things.