Dear Hope family,
Thought for the Week
2Corinthians 3v18 “And we, who … all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes for the Lord, who is the Spirit.” NIV)
One of Charles Wesley’s memorable lines in “Love Divine” is “changed from glory into glory, till in heav’n we take our place.” The line is based on the above Bible verse (the Greek literally says “metamorphosise from glory to glory”).
Glory is about how something is perceived. An item or person may be held in glory or in disdain. We might speak of something like an old steam engine being “restored to its former glory”. What we mean is that, when new, it looked fantastic and people watched in wonder as it worked. However, over the years, it was poorly cared for, even discarded and left to rust. But now, it has been restored and it looks and works just how it was meant to. It attracts the attention of others once more and they look on with wonder rather than disdain.
So it is for us. Created in the image of God, we had an inherent glory. Sadly, though as incredible creatures we still show off the creative genius of our God, sin has hidden much of that glory. As humans, we crave for that hidden glory, and we are so tempted to seek it from others through fame or status.
In 2 Corinthians 3 (above), Paul refers to the account of Moses in Exodus 34. There, we read that Moses’ face “was radiant because he had spoken with the LORD.” When you spend time with God, you catch something of his glory. His radiance shines in your face. You reflect his glory. Do you like a photo of a sunset? The camera had to point at the sun to capture its glory and now reflects it on. And so, Paul writes “we, who all reflect the Lord’s glory.” The “we” is those of us who know God, those who belong to him. So, you are that glorious photo!
Here is an incredibly exciting thing for us: you have glory, and time spent with God increases your glory. Looking forward, one day, you will be completely filled with his glory and you will be “lost in wonder, love and praise.” (Charles Wesley)
You have glory! May the Lord give you ever-increasing glory!.
With love and blessing,
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