Dear Hope family,
Thought for the Week
Beatitude 2 – Happy are those who Mourn
Matthew 5v3 “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.”
This verse seems quite bizarre in the world’s eyes – surely those who party are ones who are happy and blessed?
Though this verse is often used at funerals, most commentators agree that Jesus is primarily referring to his followers mourning with regards to sin. It is a sorrow of heart at both our own sin and the sin in the world. This is an appropriate response to sin: Jesus himself wept over Jerusalem because they had not responded to him. Is my heart moved by sin?
The beauty for those in the kingdom of God is that we can go to the cross whether for our own sin or those of others. The cross brings us forgiveness and assurance of our acceptance by our heavenly Father. In the cross and resurrection we also find hope for tomorrow as we know God has the power to answer our prayers. And ultimately we have hope in the eradication of all sin in the new heaven and earth when Christ returns. We are comforted in this acceptance by our Father and our hope for tomorrow.
Truly those who mourn over sin are comforted for they are accepted by God and welcomed into the kingdom. In fact, they are happy and blessed.
May the Lord give us hearts which mourn at sin, and know the joy of his comfort.
With love and blessing,
- Worship evening – Sunday 6th September at 6pm at Admaston House
- We are planning a short outdoor worship evening to take advantage of the fact that we can sing outside!! Social distancing still need to be applied and chairs will be household-grouped outside like on Sunday mornings. This is an exciting opportunity to worship in song together!!
- Sunday mornings
- Offerings – Thank you to those who have asked about a collection box on Sunday mornings. We recognise it is important to offer everyone the opportunity to take part in this act of worship as God has called to do. We will begin to provide one at the entrance on a Sunday morning by the hand-sanitiser station so that your hands can be sanitised before and after. We are grateful to all those who give by standing order or on-line and would encourage you to participate in this way if possible. Bank details can be obtained from Tony.
- Coffee – As traditional as the church offering is the provision of coffee!! We believe that it is possible to offer this in the current circumstances with appropriate precautions. If someone feels this is a ministry they would like to offer to the congregation, please let Tony or Roland know.
- Covid-19 precautions – There is no change to the instructions issued previously.
- Prayer Meetings
- 1st Monday evening – As people resume more normal routines, we will return to a monthly prayer meeting on a Monday evening. This will still be on Zoom at present as that seems to offer people easier access. Gill will be leading on the 7th
- Wednesday mornings – We will continue to meet on Zoom for prayer at 8am.
- Devoted Online
- Those of you who were booked into Devoted have received an email highlighting the availability of an on-line video. The programme does not fit the way we are doing things on a Sunday morning at present and so we plan to use different elements from it over the coming weeks.
- Magazines
- A huge thank you to all who have taken piles of magazines. We greatly appreciate your efforts in this – and believe this is a strategic time. May the Lord open people’s hearts and move in our communities. There are three sets of streets currently waiting for those who would still like to distribute some.
- Alpha – Do bear in mind, pray for and invite friends to the following Alphas being planned:
- Mon 21st September – an NHS Alpha for NHS staff being led by Andrea Ellis and others from the hospital.
- Thur 24th September – ladies’ Alpha led by Dawn and the ladies’ group
- Tues 29th September – men’s Alpha led by Roland and the men’s group.
Programme –
Please contact if you would like to join any of our meetings on Zoom.
Sunday morning worship is now live-streamed on both Youtube and Facebook from Admaston House at 10.30am.
Thu | 27-Aug | 7.30pm St Cs Ladies’ Group – on Zoom |
Fri | 28-Aug | |
Sat | 29-Aug | |
Sun | 30-Aug | 10.30 Hope Worship @ Admaston and on Youtube and Facebook 11.00 Hope Family time @ Admaston and on Zoom |
Mon | 31-Aug | Bank Holiday |
Tue | 01-Sep | |
Wed | 02-Sep | 8am Hope Community Prayer – on Zoom 7.30pm Tony & Andrea’s Disciple Group on Zoom |
Thu | 03-Sep | 7.30pm St Cs Ladies’ Group – on Zoom |
Fri | 04-Sep | |
Sat | 05-Sep | |
Sun | 06-Sep | 10.30 Hope Worship @ Admaston and on Youtube and Facebook 11.00 Hope Family time @ Admaston and on Zoom 7.00pm Youth at Admaston House |
Mon | 07-Sep | 7.30pm Hope Community Prayer – on Zoom (Gill) |
Tue | 08-Sep | |
Wed | 09-Sep | 8am Hope Community Prayer – on Zoom (Rebekah) |
Thu | 10-Sep | 7.30pm St Cs Ladies’ Group – on Zoom |
Fri | 11-Sep | |
Sat | 12-Sep | |
Sun | 13-Sep | 10.30 Hope Worship @ Admaston and on Youtube and Facebook 11.00 Hope Family time @ Admaston and on Zoom |
Give thanks:
- For our church family
- For the increasing freedom we are able to experience
- The Holy Spirit’s anointing on our gathering together.
- For wisdom for all in the application of guidelines.
- As many start back to work and education this next week, let’s pray for peace and wisdom for one another.
- Ruth is beginning to reach out on behalf of St Christopher’s Trust to young people in the area. Please pray for her and those she makes contact with as she seeks to launch this new initiative at this critical time.
Other general information
Pastoral Care – If you are in isolation and need support (eg shopping), please contact who will arrange with the team of helpers.
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