Dear Hope family,
Thought for the Week
Message of Haggai – Setting Priorities
Haggai 1v5 “Give careful thought to your ways.”
Prophet 10 out of 12… Haggai gives 4 prophecies in 4 months in 520BC. It is 18 years after the first return of the Jews to Jerusalem. Those returning had started with good intent to re-build the demolished temple (see Ezra 3), but then received some opposition and became lethargic about the work. The Jews turned their focus to their own homes and prosperity.
Haggai 4 messages from God can be summarised:
- A rebuke for building their own homes rather than the LORD’s house. “These people say, ‘The time has not yet come for the LORD’s house to be built.’” 1v2
- The people respond well and begin building, but are upset about its lack of grandeur compared to the previous temple. Haggai encourages them that God will bring glory to it in the presence of Jesus. “Does it not seem to you like nothing? … the desired of all nations will come, and I will fill this house with glory.” 2v3,7 In the gospels, Jesus entered this table and declared it to be “My Father’s House.”
- God sees their work and says that now their focus has changed He will bless them. “From this day on I will bless you.” 2v19
- Finally, leaders, you are a sign that God’s servant, Jesus, is coming. “I will make you like my signet ring.” 2v23
What does this mean for us?
- While for the Jews God’s house was a physical temple, it was not only glorified when Jesus entered the temple declaring it to be “My Father’s House”, but superseded as Christ died on the cross.
- The temple is where God is and that is now the church – the church worldwide, the local church and the individual believer. So today, Haggai is a call for us to prioritise our spiritual life both individually and corporately; it is not going to be easy but we are to persevere; we will find both opposition and distractions as the Jews found in 520BC. But as we make that priority, he will bring glory to even the small things we do together in honour of Him. In short: get stuck in, keep going, expect God.
With love and blessing,
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