Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

The King! – Psalm 2 – part 2

Psalm 2v4-6 “The one enthroned in heaven laughs; the Lord scoffs at them. Then he rebukes them in his anger and terrifies them with his wrath, saying ‘I have installed my King on Zion, my holy hill.’”

Who has the power from God’s perspective?

Last week, in the first part of the Psalm, human rulers and nations are thinking they have the power and can break off the power and authority of God. The Lord’s response is to laugh! They are being completely foolish! They have completely mis-read the situation.

God makes the statement “I have installed my King”! This is in contrast to the people’s statement of intent in v3 “Let us …”. The Lord is exercising his authority, and that is indeed terrifying for all who are working against God: ultimately the rulers of the earth stand no chance.

As is often the case in Scripture, what is terrifying to one is glory to another. For us who believe, having Jesus the King installed on Mount Zion is the most wonderful and glorious news we have ever had. Whatever your situation, bring Jesus into the picture; as God’s installed King, he changes everything.

This Psalm, though written probably around 1000BC is considered one of the Messianic Psalms as it clearly looks forward to Christ. As Advent begins, let us focus on the glory of Christ.

With much blessing,




  1. Alpha – We are very thankful for how God is working among us!
  2. Newsletter – We are launching a new paper copy monthly newsletter this Sunday. We welcome your feedback and suggestions. A big thank you to Natalie for her work in putting it together.
  3. Advent ideas – you may be interested in these links to an advent devotional and an electronic advent calendar!


Electronic Advent calendar:

  1. Emails – I am aware that some people have not been receiving these weekly emails. If you are aware of someone who is struggling with this, please advise them to check their junk/spam folder and make me a safe email sender. If they need help in this, let me know.
  2. Sunday Worship – This Sunday we will be looking at the latter part of James 5 and therefore offering the opportunity for prayer for healing as a practical application of this. Let’s be open to what God is wanting to do among us in obedience to God’s Word.
  3. Christmas Dinner – this Sunday at 1pm – please let Sue West know if you are coming.
  4. Funtastic Church – this Sunday at 2pm – with a Christingle theme – do invite young families!
  5. Prayer

–  Let’s continue to pray for one another using our prayer diary.