Dear Hope family,

Thought for the Week

Jesus sympathises with our weakness

Hebrews 4v15,5v7-8 “Jesus … is [able] to sympathise with our weaknesses … During the days of Jesus’ life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with loud cries and tears to the one who could save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverent submission. Although he was a son, he learned obedience from what he suffered and , once made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation for all who obey him.”

Excitement is in the air: Easter is almost here!! But first, next Friday is the special day on which we remember the death of Jesus. How it agonized Jesus as he approached the day of crucifixion. Yet in all his suffering and anticipation of suffering, he did not sin, nor did he lose faith in his Father. The writer of Hebrews reminds us that we are not the only ones who suffer; we are not the only ones who cry out in pain to God. The answer to Jesus’ prayer was not that he could avoid the pain, but that his Father would bring him through triumphant.

The victory is gained by pushing through, not opting out! May God give you the victory! And may you know that Jesus sympathises with you in what you are experiencing right now. And may God enable you to come through by the power of his Holy Spirit in you.

With love and blessing,



News/Programme – Contact us for the Zoom room code.

  • Sunday & Eldership Appointment  – We will follow a similar format to last Sunday, but during the Zoom call, Graham Anns will join us on behalf of Christ Central and pray over Tony and Roland and formally appoint us as elders. It would be fantastic if you can join us in this as part of our development as a church.
  • Youtube – search for “Hope Community Church Admaston Songs Sunday”. Last Sunday’s is here:
  • Facebook – Hope Community Church Admaston page
  • Afterwards (about 11.00), we can have some more time together on Zoom which is our chosen video conference method. We will include some more worship and family time as well as the eldership appointment.
  • Good Friday – There will be no Walk of Witness or joint church services on Good Friday 10th April. However, we will have a reflection together on Zoom at 10am for about 30-45 minutes.
  • Small Groups on Zoom  If you are not yet part of a small group, we encourage you to join one in this time of isolation. Please message Roland or Tony to join one.
  • Prayer on Zoom this week
    • Monday evening – 6th – 7.30pm – 9pm
    • Wednesday morning 8th8am-8.30 every week
  • Coffee shop on Zoom – 10 – 11.30 weekdays – this is a chance to just come on to the Zoom meeting room with your coffee and have a chat with whoever is there.
  • Crochet & Craft on Zoom – 10-11.30 Saturday – Lisa is leading a group who can meet over craft this Saturday and is offering to teach those who are not sure of how to crochet.
  • Zoom calls from landline or mobile without internet – If you do not have access to the internet, you may join a Zoom meeting by audio-phone with the licence that we have. The number is a standard UK number and is therefore at a standard charge for your provider and may therefore be included in any inclusive minutes on your landline or mobile plan. To do this please contact us for more details.
  • WhatsApp Group – If you are not part of the church WhatsApp group and would like to join it, please let Natalie know.
  • Pastoral Care – We are seeking to make sure everyone is cared for during this “lockdown”. Natalie is ready to coordinate responses as needed.
  • Thank you to all those who have volunteered to be on the “Hope Help” team J.
  • Neighbourly care – Do watch out for your local neighbours.



  • To give thanks – Emily has a teaching job at Ercall Wood from September. Very thankful in these times!
  • For our church community.
  • The older members of our community
  • Those who are working in the NHS and are extremely busy, under pressure and exposed to increased risk.
  • Those who are on furlough – that God would use their time mightily.
  • That God would work in a mighty way in our community and nation at this time and bring salvation to many.
  • For wisdom and patience as we change how we do things.