Dear Hope family,
Thought for the Week
Lockdown – Keeping Safe
Hebrews 4v15 “[Jesus] was tempted in every way as we are – yet was without sin.
As we know very well, we are in lockdown at the present moment so that the contagious Covid-19 is not passed on. We are protecting ourselves and others. This is very much like the Old Testament Law method of purity. Every measure was taken to avoid being contaminated by someone else or something else that might be “unclean”. Hands were washed, people were segregated, objects should not be touched.
We also know very well that we are seeking a vaccine which works inside each of us to enable our bodies to fight Covid-19. This will mean that we can be free of all the measures being taken to protect us. This is like the good news of Jesus Christ: he made the way for God’s Spirit to come into each of us at our new birth. For the ultra-clean Pharisees it was horrific that Jesus mixed with those who were likely to contaminate him (the leper, the sinner, the prostitute etc). But Jesus was not contaminated by these at all: he was immune to it. Jesus passes this immunity on to us by his Spirit: he transforms our hearts and minds so that we can resist sin and temptation and remain pure and holy. Paul repeatedly says “live by the Spirit, not the sinful nature”. This means that we are set free from the restrictions of the Old Testament and we can live lives of freedom, mixing with sinners and yet remain pure. In short, if you have faith, “He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world” (1 John 4v4), and you can stand against the sin of the ungodly. This is not a call to be stupid, but it is a call to live by faith.
May God fill you with his Holy Spirit today and empower your mind and heart to fight the battle with sin. You are now a person of faith in Jesus, not of fear of contamination.
With love and blessing,
- Assemblies – Helen has had agreement from Doug Horley and Scripture Union to make use of their materials in this initiative. Please continue to pray for Helen and Rebekah and Emily as they work on this.
- Communion – We have decided that we will stop conducting communion on the Broadcast (Youtube and Facebook) and only have it on the Zoom meeting. We had communion last week, so next will be on 10th May. Natalie will be approaching those who have led communion to contribute with this.
- Broadcast on Youtube and Facebook – As we are likely to be doing this for some time, we would like different people to contribute by recording prayers, readings or testimonies over time. We would love you to participate in this! Expect us to be in contact with you.
- Children and Young families – We feel it is vital that the children in the church can meet together too! We encourage young families to join Helen and Sue on the Zoom at 10am on Sunday for a Bible story, Song and an opportunity to show what the children have done with the Sunday school materials (colouring etc).
- Prayer Requests & Thanks – We will be asking for “prayer requests” and “thanks stories” on the WhatsApp chat which can be fed into the Zoom meeting on Sunday morning. These can either be for the leader to say or for yourself.
Programme – Please contact Roland if you would like to join any of our Zoom groups.
Sunday –
- Youtube – search for “Hope Community Church Admaston Songs Sunday”.
- Facebook – Hope Community Church Admaston page
- Afterwards (about 11.00), we would love you to join us on Zoom for some time together.
- Friday 1st May Family Games Night – Join on Zoom at 6.45 for a 7pm start.
Prayer Times –
- Wednesday morning – 8am-8.30 every week
- Monday 3rd May – 7.30pm
- Crochet & Craft on Zoom – 10-11.30 Saturdays – Lisa is leading a group who can meet over craft with guidance offered.
- Men’s Group (St Cs) – 7.30pm Tuesdays on Zoom. Going through the “The Questions Christians hope no one will ask” book.
- Ladies’ Group (St Cs) – 7.30pm Thursdays on Zoom.
- Youth on Zoom – 6.30pm Sundays 3rd & 17th May
- Youth Alpha – 4-5.30pm Wednesday and Thursday.
- Alpha – 2.30pm Fridays
- Give thanks:
- For the progress being made nationally and internationally in dealing with the Covid-19 virus.
- Those who are listening into our Sunday morning worship who would not normally be with us.
- For our church community.
- Prayer
- Use your prayer diary to pray for each person in our church family.
- Pray for 5 people you connect with who are not yet believers each day this week.
- Pray for the youth and 20’s Alpha courses currently running.
- Let’s continue to pray for successful vaccine trials and wisdom in the timing and process of lifting lockdown.
Other general information
Pastoral Care – If you are in isolation and need support (eg shopping), please contact Natalie who will arrange with the team of helpers.
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