Around 950BC, Solomon likely wrote, “Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” This verse is from Ecclesiastes 4v7-12 which considers the importance and advantage of working together in life.
Around 30AD, Jesus had 12 disciples together; Paul travelled in team; Paul encouraged church members to care for one another, encourage one another, and admonish one another. As Cain cries out in Genesis 4 “Am I my brother’s keeper?”, Jesus confirms in Matthew 25 “Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.”
In 1672, John Donne wrote the poem “No man is an iland, intire of it selfe” [his original spelling].
In 2018, we as followers of Christ, do so together. It was wonderful that a number of us were able to share time and experiences together at the “Devoted” weekend. I am a firm believer in the importance for us as a church family of such events. What about Devoted 2019? The weekend prices are £119 for adults and £20 for children until the end of the year.
As we launch “Fruitful Disciples” this weekend, we do so as a team together who will seek to love and encourage each other in our journey with Christ. However strong or weak our knowledge of the Bible or experience of the power of God, God has placed us in a church family because we need one another. We are all learners, all apprentices, all getting there. I encourage you to join one of the groups (see leaflet for details).
With love and blessing,
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