Dear Hope family,

Thought for the Week

How to Grow Spiritually – (1) Go to God in Prayer

Matthew 6v6 “When you pray … pray to your Father.”

Happy New Year!! On Sunday mornings a year ago, we looked at the importance of growing spiritually. Being born again is like crossing a border or going through a gate: having crossed the border, it is only sensible to move into all there is in the Kingdom of God. When we journey physically we need all of (say) a car, fuel and directions to enable us to continue moving, so in our spiritual journey we need to use all of the resources we have been given. The first resource is Prayer.

God made you to have conversation with you. Why? Because conversation is key to a relationship. Jesus came to restore conversation between God and you. He has restored the relationship to one of Father and child. Your Heavenly Father wants to share his love and purpose with you. He wants you to know his care for you day by day. And he also wants you to share the details of your life with Him. God calls us into an intimate relationship with Him. It takes time.

Traditionally the visit of the “Magi” is celebrated this coming Saturday. How much time and energy did they invest in travelling to bring some gifts to Jesus? It may have been a couple of years from when they first saw the star to when they arrived in Bethlehem. They left their families, their homes, their normal business and activities and trekked across the Middle East to see Jesus. For all that time and investment, they didn’t see Jesus do anything for them – they just were present with Him and worshipped Him. What am I prepared to put into the pursuit of Jesus this year? What other things come in front of my time with God?

Two years ago we used “The Prayer Course” to give us tools to use in our prayer life. These are available on this link if you would like to use them.

May God lead you in spiritual growth and maturity this year,

With love and blessing,
