Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Appointing Elders

Titus 1v5 “Straighten out was was left unfinished and appoint elders in every town as I directed you.”

Graham Anns, representing the Christ Central senior team, introduced the subject of eldership to the church on Sunday. He proposed that Tony Finch and I be formally appointed elders of Hope Community Church, Admaston. Elders are appointed by both Christ Central and the local church itself. We therefore invite you to:


For more information on what “elders” are, you can listen to Graham’s talk here . In summary, however, Graham explained that the term “elder” comes from the Jewish background and the role has two key functions in the Bible (Acts 20v17,28-31): firstly that of “overseer” which refers to governance and organization, managing people and money, and teaching the Bible; and secondly that of “pastor” which refers to “shepherding” people by providing spiritual food and guidance as well as setting the example. Graham emphasized that leadership in the church is about enabling each member of the church to build up others, and to serve both within the church and out in the world (Ephesians 4v11-16). In the New Testament, an elder was not appointed alone but as part of a team. Lastly, it is important that an elder is “qualified” to be such, for which lists of such qualities are listed in 1 Timothy 3v1-7 and Titus 1v5-9.

May God build his church in Hope Community,

With much blessing,



  1. Church Family Meeting – All members and regular attenders are invited to participate in our Church Family Meeting on Monday 10th February at 7.30pm. Doors open from 7pm.
  2. Newsletter – I have attached our monthly newsletter for those who were not able to pick one up this last Sunday.
  3. Prayer

–  Sunday 23rd February is our Prayer Day. Think about how much you can participate.

  • Let’s pray for those who are suffering among us at present and particularly for Natalie who is suffering with arthritis in her wrists.