Dear Hope family,
Thought for the Week
A Steadfast heart enables us to sing – even in the rain
Psalm 57v7 “My heart is steadfast, O God, my heart is steadfast; I will sing and make music”
The information in the header for this Psalm tell us that it was written “When David had fled from Saul into the cave.” The story is recounted in 1 Samuel 24, where Saul had been pursuing David to kill him, but David remained innocent throughout. David did not need to retaliate as his trust was in God and he had a quiet assurance that God would ultimately bring about what he had promised regardless of what the situation looked like. This does not mean that David does not cry out to God – he does – but his cry is a cry of trust “I cry out to God Most High, to God who fulfils his purpose for me.” (v2)
This is a core secret of the Christian life: it is not in our circumstances or situations, but it is in a heart stilled before the Lord. A heart that trusts rather than panics. A heart that cries out to God rather than to the world. A heart that looks to God’s love and faithfulness to bring about justice. A heart that holds on to the faithfulness of God to fulfil his Word. A heart that keeps going despite the time it takes. This is a steadfast heart.
Is my heart steadfast today? Is it trusting in the Lord? In that place of trust and assurance, we are able to sing – even in the rain!
With love and blessing,
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