Dear Hope family,

Thought for the Week

Lockdown – Praying Evangelistically

John 15v26-27  “26 When the Advocate comes, whom I will send to you from the Father—the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father—he will testify about me. 27 And you also must testify, for you have been with me from the beginning..”

It was 8 weeks ago this weekend that we last met in person on a Sunday morning!

What is God doing? God in his love is always seeking the lost. He uses a whole variety of means to do that. Among many Muslims today he is using dreams and visions. Maybe at this time he is waking people in our land up to the realities of life.

We have a responsibility to testify to what God has done (v27 above), but I note in v26 that the Holy Spirit is also testifying. It is therefore vital that we work hand-in-hand with the Holy Spirit. Without his testifying, we will get nowhere. Telling others about the love of Christ is completely reliant on Him to use the words we express. This gives two key dimensions to evangelistic prayer:

(i)                  Ask God to work in the hearts and lives of people around us by his Holy Spirit.

(ii)                To ask God what he is up to and to give us hearts that are willing to join in with Him.

I encourage you, if you are not already, to pray daily for 5 people that you know who are not yet Christians, and to pray for your heart to be sensitive to God’s leading in conversation with them. As we go through further change over the coming weeks, this may be an opportune time – and you and God are a force to be reckoned with.

With love and blessing,



1.       Assemblies – The first assemblies were premiered this week on YouTube with the first having over 70 views. Well done Helen, Rebekah and Emily! Here is a link to next Tuesdays:

2.       Zoom – You may have received a notification from Zoom that your App will be updated or needs updating to version 5. This updates improves the security of Zoom. From the 30th May this will be essential to join a meeting so you have a couple of weeks to do it.

3.       Hope Socials – Family Games night – A big thank you to Rebekah for organising such a fun evening.


Please contact Roland if you would like to join any of the Zoom meetings.

Sunday morning worship is live-streamed at 10.30am on:

–          Youtube – In the Hope Community Church Admaston Songs channel

–          Facebook – On the Hope Community Church Admaston Page.

Thurs 7th May 4-5.30pm Youth Alpha on Zoom; 7.30pm St Cs Ladies’ Group on Zoom

Fri 8th May 2.30pm Alpha on Zoom (20’s)

Sat 9th May 10.30-12 Crochet, Craft and Chat on Zoom

Sun 10th May 10am Hope Kids on Zoom with Sue and Helen; 10.30am Hope Worship on YouTube and Facebook; 11am Hope Family time on Zoom; 7pm Roland and Sue’s Disciple Group on Zoom

Tue 12th May 9.45am Hope Assemblies on YouTube; 7.30pm St Cs Men’s Group on Zoom

Wed 13th May 8am Hope Community Prayer on Zoom; 4-5.30pm Youth Alpha on Zoom; 7.30pm Tony and Andrea’s Disciple Group on Zoom

Thu 14th May 9.45am Hope Assemblies on Zoom; 4-5.30pm Youth Alpha on Zoom; 7.30pm St Cs Ladies’ Group on Zoom


Give thanks:

  • For the progress being made nationally and internationally in dealing with the Covid-19 virus.
  • Those who are listening into our Sunday morning worship who would not normally be with us.
  • For our church community.



  • Use your prayer diary to pray for each person in our church family.
  • Pray for 5 people you connect with who are not yet believers each day this week.
  • Pray for the youth and 20’s Alpha courses currently running.
  • Let’s continue to pray for successful vaccine trials and wisdom in the timing and process of lifting lockdown.


Other general information

Pastoral Care – If you are in isolation and need support (eg shopping), please contact Natalie on who will arrange with the team of helpers.