Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Not a Fan! – Luke 14v33

Luke 14v33 “any of you who does not give up everything he has cannot be my disciple”

What is my relationship with Jesus? In his book “Not a Fan”, Kyle Idleman suggests that many of us have not had a proper DTR conversation with Jesus to “Define The Relationship”. In the passage that the above verse sits in, Jesus is calling people to think about what it will cost before they commit to follow. The early disciples had to literally leave things behind to follow Jesus. There is a danger for us all that we pay lip service to Jesus: singing the right songs, reading the right passages, praying the right prayers, attending the right meetings, saying the right things. That’s being a Fan. A fan admires Jesus, but is not prepared to pay the cost of following. But Jesus does not call us to religious activities or fandom, he calls us to wholeheartedly follow him. What about you?

We have begun in our small groups use a video series based on the book “Not a Fan”. A number of you who were there last Sunday ordered the book to read. It is an easy to read book which helps us examine to what extent we are “fans” rather than “followers” of Jesus. The books are on order for those who requested, but if you would like a copy of the book and were not able to put your name down, email me and I will order you one too. I am ordering good quality second hand copies for £3.20.

With much blessing,




  1. Alpha – Let’s particularly pray for the Ladies’ group as they have the Holy Spirit Day this Saturday.
  2. Spiritual Battle – Read the New Testament Day – So we completed through to Revelation last Sunday evening!!
  3. New Wine celebration at Admaston House on Sunday 17th November at 6.30pm with Grace Wheeler; and Aspire Women’s Worship at Elim on Saturday 23rd November from 5.30pm with Helen Yousaf. See leaflet attached.
  4. Volunteer Lay Chaplain at Holy Trinity Academy – An advert is attached. I do have more details if you wish to know more – just ask.
  5. GSUS Live Lorry Experience & Prayer – Open to all subject to numbers – Sunday 17th November 3-4pm at Charlton School.
  6. Prayer

–  Let’s continue to pray for one another using our prayer diary.

  • Thank you to all who joined with us on Monday night. It was a blessing to be with you all and have the other Christ Central churches pray for us.