Dear Hope family,
Thought for the Week
All-surpassing power
2 Corinthians 4v7-10 “But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed but not in despair; persecuted but not abandoned; struck down but not destroyed. We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body.”
Do you feel hard-pressed, perplexed, persecuted or struck down? Don’t let those things harm your faith. Why not? Because our faith is not that those things do not occur – the great apostle Paul experienced these things. No, our faith is that in these very things the power of God is radiating out from us. It is not in our own strength we operate, but in the power of God. In fact Paul says here that the very reason you are a “jar of clay” is so that it is obvious it is the power of God. Better to be a jar of clay containing the power of God than a china teacup containing anything less.
May the all-surpassing power of God fill you and radiate from you this week.
With love and blessing,
Breakout Holiday Club – The following Facebook page is where it is all happening. It would be great if you “liked” this page, shared it with friends and invited young families you know to it.
Programme – Please contact if you would like to join any of our Zoom meetings.
Sunday morning worship is live-streamed at 10.30am on YouTube – in the Hope Community Church Admaston Songs channel; Facebook – on the Hope Community Church Admaston page.
Fri 10-Jul 2.30pm Alpha on Zoom (20’s)
Sun 12-Jul 10.30am Hope Worship on YouTube and Facebook; 11am Hope Family Time on Zoom; 7pm Youth at Wests on Zoom; 7pm Building Leaders Planting Churches on Zoom
Mon 13-Jul 7.30pm Hope Community Prayer – on Zoom
Tue 14-Jul 9.45am Hope Assemblies on YouTube; 11-12 Pushchair People viz Zoom; 7.30pm St Cs Men’s Group on Zoom
Wed 15-Jul 8am Hope Community Prayer – on Zoom; 7.30pm Tony & Andrea’s Disciple Group on Zoom
Thu 16-Jul 9.45am Hope Assemblies on YouTube; 7.30pm St Cs Ladies’ Group – on Zoom
Give thanks:
- For those who are listening into our Sunday morning worship who would not normally be with us.
- For our church community at this time.
- For the 20’s Alpha courses currently running.
- Breakout Holiday Club – pray for Sharon Johnson and the team preparing for this special on-line Fun Week! Pray for great connections with the young families.
- Let’s pray for peace and love to reign in the UK and globally at this time of rising tensions at various levels.
Other general information
Pastoral care – If you are in isolation and need support (eg shopping), please contact who will arrange with the team of helpers.
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