Dear Hope family,
Thought for the Week
Do not grieve the Holy Spirit
Ephesians 4v30 “And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.” (NIV)
Here is a wonderful truth, a glorious promise and a serious challenge.
The wonderful truth: the Holy Spirit is a person with feelings. He experiences a variety of emotions including being grieved. The Greek word can also be translated distress, make sad, make sorrowful. There are things which upset our God and the Holy Spirit. What is upsetting him at present?
The glorious promise: the presence of the Holy Spirit in us is a seal for the future day. The presence of the Holy Spirit guarantees us full acceptance by the Father into his eternal dwelling. No ifs, no buts, you have the seal on you. Praise God for this blessed assurance.
The serious challenge: God’s Spirit is called holy because he is holy. It is possible for us to grieve the Holy Spirit who is so precious to us. Our unholy attitudes and actions can upset him, and cause him sorrow and grief. O Holy Spirit, have the upper hand in our lives we pray.
With love and blessing,
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