Is singleness important to God?

In 2016, over 40% of households in the UK did not have a “couple”, with about 70% of those households being people living on their own. These households are growing at a faster rate than “couple” households and represent a range of situations. Last week we looked at marriage in the eyes of God, but what about those living on their own?

The Psalmist writes in Psalm 68:

“Sing to God, sing praise to his name,

extol him who rides on the clouds

– his name is the LORD –

and rejoice before him.

A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows,

is God in his holy dwelling.

God sets the lonely in families,

He leads forth the prisoners with singing;

But the rebellious live in a sun-scorched land.”

So how does God defend the widows and set the lonely in families? Is this real for many people? The answer is he does it through groups of people who are ready to welcome others as part of a wider family. The concept of the church being a family is probably more important today than it has been in the decades gone by. People need to be welcomed and loved and cared for, to be able to be friends on equal terms with one another.

Jesus as he toured Israel, he had particular compassion on those who were on their own (eg Luke 7v11-17). The apostle Paul, of course had much to say about singleness in his chapter on marriage in 1 Corinthians 7. He definitely does not look down on those who are single, but honours them as people who are extremely valuable in the kingdom of God.

May God put the lonely in families within our church, and in our community,

With love and blessing,




  1. Fairtrade – There are 1 more Sunday of coffee and tea tasting! Please express your opinions on the sheets.
  2. Magazines – The latest Church magazines are now ready to go out. Giuliana has sorted them into packs to be taken for delivery. You should find there are more than you need in each pack.
  3. Evangelism in Holy Week – There will be Real Easter Eggs and leaflets to give out during the Walk of Witness in Wellington. If you would like to be someone who engages with people in the High Street, please let Roland know.
  4. Telford Evangelism during the year
    1. 12/13th May – Telford Kite Festival – Telford Area Mission are planning a prayer booth to engage with people.
    2. 22nd April – Spring in the Park – The Council has arranged for a Gospel Choir to come in the evening. The council will be most encouraged to do this again if they sell lots of tickets …