We meet in a well-ventilated room.
If you are unable to join us, but would like to join us from home, we do provide an unlisted YouTube service. Please request a YouTube link from natalie@hopeadmaston.org.uk.
You can also view older sermons on our website https://hopeadmaston.org.uk/sermons
On the 3rd Sunday of the month, we serve breakfast from 9.30 until 10.10.
It is normally a cooked breakfast, but sometimes continental. We find it is a fantastic chance to chat and develop friendships before the worship.
We always appreciate help with setting up and clearing away – we are a family. There is normally a pot where voluntary money contributions towards the cost can be placed.
We would love you to join us! Here is a rough outline of our morning:
- 10.00-10:30 –arrive
- 10.30 – service commences with songs of worship and praise
- Communion is celebrated regularly
- Christian teaching provided
- Family sharing time for people to share their stories for thanks or prayer
- Service concludes 11:45-12:00
- Refreshments provided after the service ends
- Sunday school is provided for younger attendees
We love to eat and talk together. The 1st Sunday of each month is our Hope Community Lunch is a chance both for the church family to eat together and to bring friends and family who may not want to come to the worship.
- It is normally a full cooked (2 course) meal.
- There is a pot for voluntary money contributions.
- Help is always appreciated in setting up and putting away, but be our guest first time!
- We normally have some games (eg board games / snooker / outside) for children and young people.
We have several families with children. There is a sofa at the back for nursing mums and a few quiet toys out.
- 10.30 All together for songs with children under supervision of carer.
- 11.00 Children go to their Sunday school groups where they are supervised by approved church volunteers.
- Sunday school activities include Bible stories, songs, colouring, craft, games & prayer.
- When children’s group finish, supervision is returned to their responsible parent or carer.
- We encourage parent/carers to take their children’s activity sheets home for a chance for them to tell you what they have been doing & learning.
During the Week
We have a variety of midweek groups including:
- Evening groups in homes
- Morning group – meets fortnightly at Admaston House at 10:30am
- Men’s Group – Tuesdays 7pm at Admaston House
- Ladies’ Group – Thursday 7:30pm at Admaston House
We meet for prayer at the following times. We also have internet prayer groups.
- Wednesday morning 8.00 – 8.30 via Zoom
- 1st Monday of each month 7.30 – 9.00pm in St Christopher’s Room.
- We also hold occasional days of prayer in which people can drop in and out during the day
Our young people meet fortnightly on Sunday evenings at 7pm.
There is a Summer Holiday Club for school-age children held during the first week of the summer holidays.
We also run courses such as Youth Alpha and Freedom in Christ during the year.
Please contact email Roland West roland@hopeadmaston.org.uk for further details.
- We host occasional film nights at Admaston House.
- Social events are held from time to time such as bring your own takeaway evenings, games evenings, walks, etc.
- We organise a church family weekend away. In 2024, we visited Quinta Hall as a church.
We have a team of singers and musicians who participate in our worship group.
We maintain a YouTube Channel for our worship music.
Please click here to visit our channel.
We run Alpha Courses for various groups throughout the year. Please click here for more information.
We partner closely with St Christopher’s Trust which is an independent Christian charity working with people from various churches. They run:
- Pushchair People – Tuesdays 9.30 – 11.30am – a chance for those with preschoolers to come and chat with other adults while the children can play.
- Emmaus – Tuesdays 2.30 – 3.30pm – usually includes worship, prayer and some bible study.
- Community Cafe – Fridays 9.00 – 2.00pm – A standard menu and a specials board are on offer so you can come for a quick coffee or a large breakfast or lunch.
- Admaston Fun Week in the first week of the summer holidays.
We are a partner church with Open Doors who provide hope and resources to persecuted Christians around the world.
Please click here for more information.
Serving Internationally
It is our great pleasure to support projects in Zambia which are run through partner churches there. The support is provided through BREADtrust which is a charity run by the Christ Central Churches in Shropshire.
Joseph and Lillian Mwila lead activities such as:
- Street Children project feeding and supporting children
- Foundations for Farming enabling farmers to farm more efficiently.
It is our great pleasure to support projects in Zambia to support street children.
It is our great pleasure to support projects in Ukraine which are run through partner churches there. The support is provided through BREADTrust which is a charity run by the Christ Central Churches in Shropshire.
Church leaders in Ukraine lead activities such as:
- Supporting Refugees
- Feeding the Poor.
- Providing Rehabilitation centres
We are excited to be part of developing the New Hope Primary School in rural Uganda. This began through contacts made during lockdown in 2020. The school currently serves 175 primary aged children who would not otherwise be in school. Our congregation have generously funded various small projects at the school and Roland visited the school in April 2024. We continue to develop our relationship and provide funding for projects.