Dear Hope family,

Thought for the Week

Parable: Seed on the path!

Matthew 13v4 “Some fell on the path and the birds came and ate it up.”

Many Christians find it helpful to use Lent, starting next week, as a time for reflection. As we journey towards the events of Easter, I am intending to reflect on some of Jesus’ parables.

During these weeks, Jesus headed towards Jerusalem, knowing that he was going to face the harshest of deaths. This was a challenge for Jesus, as shown by his prayers in Gethsemane, but he was resolute and kept going. Jesus often used parables to challenge his hearers to think differently.

Today we consider the parable of the sower which has four scenarios. We will just look at the first this week. The whole text relating to this is:

 “A farmer went out to sow his seed. As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path, and the birds came and ate it up. … [Jesus continued] 18 ‘Listen then to what the parable of the sower means: 19 when anyone hears the message about the kingdom and does not understand it, the evil one comes and snatches away what was sown in their heart. This is the seed sown along the path.”

I reflect on the following two things:

  • The farmer was very liberal in his distribution: so liberal that it fell on the path where it would never take root. God’s heart is very generous. He wants everyone to know the good news about the kingdom of heaven, he wants no one to perish, he wants everyone to produce good fruit. But why will people not respond? Because the Evil One snatches it away! When the seed is sown, there is a spiritual battle going on between the liberal farmer God and his enemy the thieving Devil! We need to both pray and sow liberally!
  • This part is usually applied to those who are “outside” the church. But, I think we can ask ourselves this question: Are there points of God’s gospel message that we are not taking to heart? Could it be that we are not understanding it and so the Evil One is snatching it away? That would be absolutely tragic: we are denied the chance to produce the fruit God so wants for us. It is vital for us to understand God’s Word. Don’t just read or listen to it, but develop understanding. But how can we do this? Firstly, the Holy Spirit illuminates our hearts with its meaning as we meditate on it, and secondly the Holy Spirit often uses others to do this as we reflect on God’s Word together in community. This is why small groups are so useful to our spiritual life. It is also why it is helpful to have some kind of “commentary” which gives explanation. That may be a book, some notes, or the application of someone with good understanding of the Bible.

May the Holy Spirit bring you understanding of God’s Word through other believers in community and so bring much good fruit in your life.

With love and blessing,
