Dear Hope family,
Thought for the Week
The Gospel – Four Spiritual Laws
John3v16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son so that whoever believes in him may have eternal life”
Tony shared with us this last Sunday the Four Spiritual Laws as a useful tool to help us in sharing the good news with others. Each “Law” is framed around God’s love and plan for each person:
- God loves you and offers a wonderful plan for your life
- Man is sinful and separated from God. Therefore he cannot know and experience God’s love and plan for his life.
- Jesus Christ is God’s only provision for sin. Through him you can know and experience God’s wonderful plan for your life.
- We must individually receive Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord; then we can know and experience God’s love and plan for our lives.
The question I have is this: “Are you as a believer living in his love and wonderful plan?” The secret to this is in number 4 – in continually receiving Jesus as Saviour and Lord.
- Do you know and experience Jesus as Saviour for you in that he has saved you:
- from all the sin of the past and you no longer need to live in guilt?
- in the present and gives you a way out of every temptation?
- for the future and will bring you through whatever issues we face in this world into eternity with Him!
It is time to meditate on these glorious truths and truly receive them and allow them to permeate our being.
- Do you know and experience Jesus as Lord for you in that:
- He reigns supreme over all things and you can trust him in every circumstance?
- He is in charge of your life and you live your life listening to him and obeying him?
It is time to figuratively bow the knee in practical obedience to him.
“May you know the hope to which he has called you and the love that surpasses knowledge,” (Ephesians 1v14, 3v19)
With love and blessing,
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