Dear Hope family,

Thought for the Week

“Resolutions for 2022”

Philippians 3v13 “But one thing I do: forgetting what is behind and straining towards what is ahead …’” (NIV)

As we approach a New Year, you may be making “resolutions” for 2022. I guess our resolutions reflect both what we consider important to us, and also what we struggle with.

The apostle Paul made a resolution when he decided to follow Jesus. However, it is clear from the above verse, that even as a well-established apostle, not everything behind him was perfect, and there was the need for great effort to continue to move forward in God’s call on his life.

What is God calling you to leave behind in 2022? What is he calling you to strain towards?

On Sunday we will look at this theme based on Philippians 3 some more. Then over the next few Sundays we will have a blend of myself looking at the book of Philippians which has much to encourage us in spiritual growth in 2022, and Tony looking at true worship.

May 2022 be a year of God bringing fruit in your life as you dedicate yourself to him.

With love and blessing,
