Dear Hope family,
Thought for the Week
Platinum Jubilee
1 Timothy 2v1-2 “I urge then, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone – for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.” (NIV)
We are celebrating 70 years of reign by our Queen Elizabeth the Second. While not all of us may be monarchists, I am sure most of us recognize something special about our Queen. It is not just the length of her reign, but also the character she has brought to it: characterized by service and faithfulness.
The Queen has consistently carried a sense of her Christ-shaped values, and in recent decades she has become bolder in how she conveys these in her broadcasts at Christmas and other occasional times.
Let me take four quotations from her:
“For me, the life of Jesus Christ, the Prince of Pace, whose birth we celebrate today, is an inspiration and an anchor in my life. A role-model of reconciliation and forgiveness, he stretched out his hands in love, acceptance and healing.” Elizabeth II, Christmas Address 2014
“For me, the teachings of Christ and my own personal accountability before God provide a framework in which I try to lead my life. I, like so many to you, have drawn great comfort in difficult times from Christ’s words and example.” Elizabeth II, Christmas Address 2000
“This is the time of year when we remember that God sent his only son “to serve, not be served”. He restored love and service to the centre of our lives in the person of Jesus Christ.” Elizabeth II, Christmas Address 2000
It is poignant too, to note her vision for our nation, “I believe in our qualities and in our strength. I believe that together we can set an example to the world which will encourage upright people everywhere.” Elizabeth II, Christmas Address 1957
We have the “Queensway” in Telford, but you may also like to read “The Queen’s Way” article by Michael Greene which highlights how her Christmas messages convey her thinking and attitudes. The Queen’s Way | Long read | LICC
When Paul wrote the above instruction in 1 Timothy 2v1-2 (above) the infamous Nero was Emperor. Disagreement is not an excuse to not pray for someone; so let’s follow the instruction to give thanks and pray for secular authorities – and particularly this weekend.
With love and blessing,
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