Dear Hope family,
Thought for the Week
Growing Love
Hebrews 10v24 “Let us consider how we may spur one another on towards love and good deeds.”
A community cannot last long without some love. The Bible word “love” (“agape” in Greek) is about a care for someone that causes you to seek their interest rather than yours. It has a willingness to sacrifice oneself in order to enhance someone else. We see it supremely in God’s love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
I want to highlight the following from the above verse from Hebrews:
- “towards love” – Love is something we are to continue to move towards. Grow in it. Is this something we are continuing to move towards or have we become stagnant?
- “spur one another on” – We can encourage one another to love more. We do this as we share about what Jesus has done; as we show by example what real love means; as we share stories of others showing love; as we help one another to see the opportunities there are to practice it. Do we make it our intention to encourage others in this?
- “Let us consider how …” It is worth thinking about and meditating on. How often do we do this?
May we each know the love of Christ flowing into us and out of us day by day.
With love and blessing,
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